I guess you could say I got an early Christmas present for my new music room:-) Read more...
I guess you could say I got an early Christmas present for my new music room:-) Read more...
This morning I decided to make us a good breakfast to get us ready for the day. I have not cooked bacon for breakfast in AGES!!! But I sae ...
I thought I'd better show you my turkeys since all this is getting packed away and Christmas is beginning! My daughter is having Thanks...
For more than a year we have not had a couch. After selling the leather one I had, I brought over an antique love seat and chaise lounge fro...
People sometimes tell me they don't have nice china and linens, to which I say, "bah humbug!" You don't need any of that t...
My husband has enjoyed capturing the beautiful sunsets we have here in the mountains... Read more...
I set a table for Joe and I using my pumpkin runner and matching placemats. I didn't do a big stack of dishes, just an orange ruffled ...