It is a dreary rainy day here in Western North Carolina, but we are safe and sound and thankful for everything we have. I already had this table set for St. Patrick's Day, and even though I had wished I had some pretty Irish china for the occasion, was glad in the end that I used my Noritake "Condoro."

This beautiful china was made in Japan, and the pattern was discontinued around 1921. I had gotten a few pieces of it, then my mom stumbled upon an entire set with place settings for about 16 and many serving pieces. We share it between us.  The beautiful green is perfect for Saint Patrick's Day.

I have chosen a very simple green and yellow runner that I made last year. With that, I have used April Cornell "Poet Jacquard" napkins in forest green with an April Cornell napkin ring.  I used my mom's vintage Anchor Hocking "Boopie" water glasses. The flatware is Oneida "Golden Julliard."

As you can see, I used the same dried hydrangeas in my grandfather's basket and large candle sticks that I used last week. Again, my goal is to show you how to use the same things week to week with a few changes to set a whole different mood.

I love this beautiful, delicate pattern...

It is such a dark day, I went ahead and added votive candles to the table...

I hope you enjoyed my Noritake "Condoro" table for St. Patrick's Day. It is a lovely thing to think about my Irish ancestors on my mother's side of the family. They withstood many hardships to come here and start a new life.

They are not unlike the many Japanese people who will be trying to put their lives back together in the wake of this horrible tragedy. My thoughts and so many prayers are for them now and will be in the coming days. They are so strong and resilient. When I was in Japan, the thing that really struck me about them was how polite and kind they were. They are so considerate of others without fault.
Americans could learn a lot from them. Watching them so calmly deal with this horrific situation with such incredible dignity is an amazing testimony to their strength and character. I trust that we will all be doing whatever we can to not only help them, but also help those in our own communities in need. When I hear people ask "where is your God now," my response is that He is there in the many rescue workers on the ground, people sending and delivering food and water, and so many others who will answer the call to do whatever is needed. He works through us when we let Him. Please remember Japan as you go about your daily lives filled with so many blessings.

Thank so much for stopping by! I do love each and every one of your visits:-)

I'll be participating in Kathleen's St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl and in Tablescape Thursday at "Between Naps on the Porch." Be sure to stop by and visit those ladies!!


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