Hi everyone! Seems like time is flying here and I cannot keep up! I thought I would share this recipe I have for "Turkish Chicken Tava."  I fell in love with this in Turkey and searched for a recipe but could not really match it. So I kind of came up with my own version.

This is a very easy, go to dish when you are pressed for time. First I start the rice, which I always make with chicken broth instead of water. Then, I take frozen chicken breasts or tenders and saute them in butter and olive oil with a little minced garlic and chopped onion. I also sprinkle Adobo on meat when I saute, but that's up to you.

I then add a large can, or jar of my mom's home grown and canned, diced tomatoes and whatever seasoning I have around. Usually it's oregano, basil, thyme, etc. And that's pretty much it. I simmer until I like the flavor. I then serve it over rice and sprinkle Parmesan Cheese on top. My kids love it, my parents love it, my hubby loves it, and it's easy.

This is great with a loaf of French bread and a salad.

On another note, we are hard at work writing and recording our CD. It is a very tedious process, but one that will be worth it in the end. Hope you all enjoy your weekend!! Our church is hosting a "Free Market" for people in need Saturday, and I could not be more excited. This will be our third one and they are always such incredible events. Kind of puts things in perspective...


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