Hi everyone! Yesterday morning, Joe and I decided to go to Longwood Gardens before it got too hot. It was beautiful, with a nice breeze blowing! Not like today where it is HOOOOT and HUMID! But we had such a nice day and also had a great lunch there too. So, I will show you some of the sights. As we started there were these beautiful roses. ALL the pictures are from my phone cause I FORGOT my camera!!!! DUMB! But, I was surprised at how well they turned out, especialy because I could hardly tell what I was taking with the sun glare:):)
This is called the "Eye of Water". It recirculates 5000 gallons of water every minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will show you the path it takes. It used to be natural rock and they painted it this awful blue. I thought it was much nicer natural.....
It starts down the hilly landscape.....
Joe looking at the eye. He LOVES this:):)
The bell tower.
Here comes the water.....
And it culminates here. Then recirculates back up to the eye. The SOUND of the waterfall is awesome!
This was an unusual hydrangea, not blooming yet.
Some pretty flowers along the path....
The "idea garden".
These vegetable garden pictures are for you, Yvonne! She told me to be sure to see it!
Sorry about my fingernail:):)
Some pretty succulents. Reminds me of Delores at Vignette Design.
Oak leaf hydrangea in the background.
Entering the conservatory!!!!!!!!!!! GORGEOUS!
Hanging fushias!!!!
There was pink bouganvillia growing all along the roofline!!!!!! Amazing!
Window boxes of viola and coleus, so pretty!
Gorgeous colors.
Outdoors we have the ponds and water lilies.
More oak leaf hydrangea.
Remember, all of this changes EVERY season!!!!! There were volunteers there from a local company, mulching. They use leaf mulch.
New guinea impatiens
This is a tree and I THINK it is called trumpet flower.....not sure.
Arches of roses.....
Me, under one of the arches.
After lunch we went into the gift shop, and I DIDN"T buy anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved these pillows.
and these tea towels, but a little pricey...
beautiful dishes.....
May have to go back and get this S ans P set!
Bee teapot and S and P set..
more tea towels. Hope you have enjoyed your tour. If you are ever in the Kennett Square area of Pa. (outside of Phila.) GO to Longwood Gardens. It is wonderful. We are members so we can go any day of the year. Try to stay COOL today, it is HOT here! XO, Pinky
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