Good morning my friends! Today I am showing you the home of my friend. She and I have known each other for almost 30 years and a few years ago she and her hubby moved to the beach and built a gorgeous home. We spent the weekend there last weekend and she graciously allowed me to take pictures to show you! Today we will see the foyer, living and dining rooms. Tomorrow I will show you the KITCHEN and sunporch so please come back!!!! OK, WELCOME to this lovely home. This is the foyer. She and I have VERY similiar taste AND she was lucky enough to have lived in Japan for 2 years so she has some GORGEOUS pieces!!!!!! Can you tell I am JUST A LITTLE JEALOUS:):):)
 Looking from in the living room.
 To the left of the foyer, the living room.
 This is a gorgeous fountain in the corner.

 Close up of fountain. It was running when we got there, I should have asked her to turn it on for the pics. This was taken the next day. I love that screen behind it! And the rattan shoes. In Japan you ALWAYS take your shoes off at the door!
 A corner of the living room.
 These came back with her and are 2 of my favorite pieces.
 Here we are in the dining room. I LOVE her chairs!

 Love these candle holders too! She also makes all her arrangements.
 Love this piece too. And, all the beautiful things she has displayed on it!
 Here is the family room.
 This black wall unit is gorgeous against the rusty color of the wall!

 That is the 2 of us in the picture on the right top shelf! You can click on any picture to enlarge it.

 Picture over the fireplace.
 Going upstairs. See how beautifully the leaves on the wall match the picture?!

So, that is PART of the tour. Be sure to come back tomorrow! Thanks again to our dear hosts for having us!!!! XO, Pinky

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