HI everyone! We knew they were coming today to get the POD, so Joe went out and tied the Japanese maple tree back as well as possible. They had broken off a BIG limb when they brough the POD so we didn't want any more damage done. Then when they got here, Joe held onto the branch and pulled it away too.
 He was actually worried that they might not be able to life it up, it is FULL and HEAVY!!!!!
 But up in the air it went, thank God.
 And onto the truck bed. Away they went to store it for us til the new house is done. This is a wonderful way to store things for a move! They will deliever the POD to the new house when we say we are ready.
I hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend. We will be working outside, mostly. This house goes on the market on Wed. the 6th. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed that we get a good buyer fast!!! XO, Pinky

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