Hi my friends! I just wanted you to know that I am still here but every day we have been busy at the old house getting it ready to go BACK on the market. I am sorry to be MIA, but I promise I will be back soon with some pretty posts. For now, here are some pictures of our yard last year at the old house. SPRING!!!! A time of hope and new life!!! This first picture is on side of the yard, the view from my kitchen sink.
 This is the front yard.
 The garage wall
 The side you saw in the first picture
 ajuga, a ground cover that blooms. After it blooms, we then would mow it.
 close up of the ajuga
 Japanese maple tree
 pond creek
 bottom pond
 more azaleas, we had over 60 azaleas
 large pond
 bird bath and impatiens

Thanks so much for your visit. Our yard was a labor of love for Joe and I. We worked on it for many years and thoroughly enjoyed it. It just got to be too much work, but it provided us with SO much beauty and serenity!!!! We will be working on this new yard soon and hope to make it an oasis also. Please keep your fingers crossed for a quick sale for us. XOXO, Pinky

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