This is our Master bedroom. And THIS is my new bedding that I got yesterday, on a GOOD sale. I'm not sure if I am going to keep it or not, but got it ion case it was gone when I went back! I wanted to lighten up the LOOK and the FEEL of the room for summer. I get very tired of looking at the same things all the time!!!! I know, bad. The good thing is I HAD the throw pillows already! I think I also have 2 dark green sham covers that I can use.
 Her is how it was all winter. Very pretty but HEAVY. We have a sky light right over the bed and very TALL windows so the sun wakes us up!
 This table was a gift from our son. It was in his shop when he had it. I really love it!

 My nightstand. The dried flowers are my bouquet from my daughter's wedding in Sept. They dried beautifully! Hydrangeas and roses and hipericam berries.
 2 bird boxes, the small one a gift from a good friend. Thanks, Janet!

 I do LOVE alot of pillows!

 I also love these bamboo lamps, found at a furniture store at the beach several years ago. I love the shallow shaded for on the nightstands.

This is our TV stand, well it was til we got a flat screen and Mr. hung it on the wall so it can SWIVEL! I love the piece though. I love ANYTHING oriental! I put the flash on for this picture so you couls see it:)
 This is my dresser. That is me and my Mother on the left and my 2 children (when they were children) on the right.
 My jewelry armoire.
 Detail of the dresser.
 Mr's. dresser.
 I made this arrangement for his dresser.
 These pieces were on the coffee table in front of the love seat we have in here. I moved them over here since they look so pretty with the greens in the bedding. The piece on the left is a lantern.

 This painting is from Vietnam, brought back by my FIL.
 This is a fish catchers basket. We have very HIGH ceilings in here, so I hang things UP high!
So, what do you think??? Should I keep it or keep looking????? Let me know, please! XO, Pinky I am joining Kim at Savvy Southern Style for Wow us Wed. at   Visit her and get some great inspiration!

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