This morning I decided to walk around our yard and snap some pics of all that is blooming. Also, tomorrow the driveway will be TORN UP so I might not be able to get around too well. But, I am so happy it is being replaced! Remember when the crane and the tree guys wrecked it? I YI YI!!!! Anyway, here we go! This is looking from the deck off the breakfast room towards the neighbor. 6 trees were taken down along the dividing line so we are getting alot more sun over here now!
 When my hubby built that bench we could sit out there caise the azaleas were tiny:) Now they are BIG!
 This is in front of the stone garage wall.
 The garage wall. That is a rhododendrom in the middle that will be blooming soon. See how TALL it is? They were all about a foot high when we put them in. Now they are all about 15 feet high!!!!
 The side of the house. The breakfast room deck is the lower one and the upper one is off our room.
 My hubby built all the window boxes again last year as the old ones were OLD! We stained them BLACK, and I love the contrast against the cedar wood siding.
 This is a ground cover: ajuga. It is blooming PROFUSELY right now. Joe will mow it when it is done blooming.
 close up of the flwer.
 See all these little fuzzy things on the ground and IN THE POND!!!! They RAIN out of the trees right now. I could sweep and blow the decks every 10 mins. if I was CRAZY!!!! I just do it every day:):) After I took these pics I also raked around the pond and it looks prettier!
 Orangy red azaleas. The HEAVY metal lantern is from Longwood several years ago. My hubby collects lanterns.
 The smaller lower pond.

 Lots of things coming up! VERY soon the rhodos will be blooming and it will be amazing!

 This is aqualegia or columbine. This one is pink and cream...
 and this one is white!

 We aslo CLEANED out the bird bath!!!!!

Once again, thanks for stopping by!!! XO, Pinky

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