I have been busy today putting Summer clothes away, getting the jeans and boots and tops out and cleaning and organizing the garage. While sweeping I noticed some flowers that are comig up from seed and blooming and LOTS of color all around the house. So, I thought I would share some Fall prettiness with you. Is that a word:):) So here we go. This is the front of the house today.
 These little guys are coming up from seed, we have pink ones and...
 pretty purple too. These are coming up UNDER this bush:)
 The new guinea impatiens are blooming again
 and red.
 The begonias are still blooming

and the roses too.

 Even the coleus are blooming. I am so loving this!!
 The bench that was here has been moved to the patio out back. But we have another bench, still at the old house that we now plan to bring over to use here.

 We also got a storm door several weeks ago. It is SO nice to be able to open the front door and have all the light come in the foyer. I also just today, got some more mums so I can redo the copper pot here at the front door.

 These are the HUGE sunflowers that I won as a doorprize at the Italian Feast at our clubhouse last Saturdsy night. It was SUCH a fun evening. I got tons of pictures and might share them if you would be interested????
 The sunflowers are as big as my (wrinkly) hand:):) I see my Mom's hand now.....

 Aren't they such a happy flower!?

 We also remulched all around the house about 2 weeks ago.
We have also airated and reseeded too. The lawn took a beating with all the construction going on out back! Hopefully next Spring it will come back nicely, we hope!
 This side of the house is so bright and colorful, all the zinnias are BIG and full of flowers!

 We have rose bushes all across the back here. You can see the deck being built in this picture. I am HAPPY to report that it is DONE!!! I will share all that very soon. We had a deck, patio and pond installed.
 You can see the silt fence in this shot; they are bulding a house next to us. I am not sure how I feel about that, I am hoping it doesn't mess up my views of the sunsets!

 So there's the tour. Hope you have enjoyed it. The weather is so nice right now, I am enjoying it. However next week we may be stuck in the 50's and that will be kinda COOL for me. But I won't complain, life is good. Thanks for your visit. XO, Pinky
Linking to:
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Judy @ DIY by Design for Sizzle Into Summer Wednesday
The Dedicated House – Make it Pretty Monday
Confessions of a Plate Addict - The Scoop
 A Stroll Thru Life – Inspire Me Tuesday
Happy List Tuesdays~
Worthing Court - Home(work) Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style - Wow Us Wednesdays 
Ivy @ Ivy and Elephants for What's It Wednesday
Let’s Dish!
Katherine @ Katherines Corner for Favorite Things Thursday Hop
Claudia at Mockingbird Hill Cottage for A Favorite Thing.
Between Naps on the Porch – Tablescape Thursday

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